Paul Schexnayder’s  

paintings are anecdote and narrative.  They have a bit of lagniappe (a Cajun-French word meaning “little something extra”) mixed into them.  His style ranges from the poetic, the whimsical to the eerily thought provoking.  He is known for his intensely colorful acrylic paintings despite being colorblind.

 Schexnayder’s  figure in a boat motif work unfolds like a  story using color, light and pop culture icons to elicit ideas, dreams and feelings.

“I still follow my L.S.U. professors, Robert Warrens and Dr. Walter Rokowski’s advice to draw every day.  I draw out each painting in my sketchbook beforehand to work out the composition and details.  Painting on a hard surface like masonite allows me to draw with my paintbrush”.

Schexnayder credits Chagall, Rauschenberg and Matisse as influences as well as locals, George Rodrigue and Hunt Slonem.